1.0 Meaning & Importance
The success of an individual in a team depends greatly on the extent to which he can
engage in effective communication. Faulty communication in organizations can lead to
lowered efficiency and effectiveness at the organizational as well as individual level.
Also most of the interpersonal friction can be traced to faculty communication.
Communication, derived from the Latin word 'Communicater' which means‚ to share; is
the process of transmitting information and understanding. It is the transference of
meaning between individuals and the means of reaching, understanding and influencing
others. Skill to communicate depends on the capacity of an individual to convey ideas
and feelings to another to evolve a desired response. In management, communication is a
mixture of personal attributes and organizational aspects. Good communication is
necessary for all organizations as management functions in organizations are carried out
through communication. Effective management is a function of effective
Interpersonal communication takes places every time we interact with others.
Communication is considered effective when it succeeds in evoking a desired response
from the other person. Moreover failures in communication can be very costly for the
organization by way of reduced co-operation and subsequent ill feeling between
employees. Communication, to be effective, cannot be a haphazard process. It has to be
planned and executed so that it evokes the desired response.
Communication in organizations has the following role
o Helps in fostering motivation
o Aids in the function of control
o Provides information for making decisions
o Gives vent to one's feelings
o Helps in the satisfaction of social needs
The process of communication between two individuals can be illustrated below:
Sender Message Receiver
Encoding Channel
Communication is initiated by the sender who conceptualizes the idea that is to be
transmitted. This idea is encoded with the help of language, symbols etc. into a message.
The message, which is the product of encoding, is transmitted from the sender to the
receiver through a channel. Channel or medium can be physical presence (face to face
talk) interactive channels (telephone, electronic media) personal static channel (memos,
letters) or impersonal static channels (general reports, circulars etc.). The richness of
each channel is determined according to its capability in eliciting feedback. Accordingly,
face to face talk is considered richest and impersonal static channel is considered to be
the leanest. However for making communication efficient, the sender has to choose the
channel depending upon the urgency and complexity of the idea which is communicated.
Once the message is transmitted through the channel to the receiver, he decodes it back to
the idea and assimilates it. The effectiveness of communication depends upon the extent
to which the sender has succeeded in making the receiver understand his idea. This can
be evaluated through feedback, where the receiver responds to the sender in the form of
clarifications and doubts. Feedback, which makes communication two way is important
because it helps to evaluate the effectiveness of the communication.
3.1 Verbal communication
Verbal communication (vocal included) contributes to 45% of our communication. It
involves the use of language and meaning (either oral or written). Normally the words
used in communication are concrete or abstract. Concrete words represent an object (eg.
Chair) and hence convey ideas easily. Abstract words, on the other hand, has a built-inambiguity
because the ideas conveyed by such words are subjective and so effectiveness
of communication is in question (eg. beauty, intelligence etc.). Thus, while concrete
words can be compared to a sharp tool, abstract words are often compared to a blunt
Role of jargons is also crucial in determining the effectiveness of communication. While
jargons help to communicate easily in a homogeneous group, excessive use of there can
hinder communication. Use of jargons has to be minimized while communicating to
someone who is not familiar with the terms.
Verbal communication becomes effective through the choice of right words & emphasis
of the same. There should be an optimum use of pauses, non-words and phrases because
excessive use of these leads to distraction of the receiver.
3.2 Non-verbal Communication
Non verbal communication is the conscious and unconscious body movements in
communication that couple with physical and environmental surroundings. Non verbal
communications are those which are not expressed orally or in writing and includes
human elements associated with communication. These form an important and inevitable
aspect of the total communication process because it compliments and substitutes verbal
A good communicator should have the right posture, facial expression and body language
that are in tune with the words spoken. Lack of co-ordination between verbal and nonverbal
contents of communication would only confuse the receiver. So while
communicating, care should be taken to ensure a proper blend between words and
3.3 Listening & Feedback
Listening which comprises of hearing, attending, understanding and remembering can
facilitate the effectiveness of communication. Listening can be pleasurable,
discriminative or critical depending on the degree of application of mind. Listener has to
employ the appropriate type of listening depending on the situation and nature of the
message. Proper listening requires a reasonable background familiarity, right attitudes,
interest, objectivity, patience and rapport with the sender. Absence of rapport with the
sender often leads to ambush listening where the receiver listens only till he gets a point
for argument after which his main intention would be to interrupt the communication.
Lack of interest in the topic spoken by a person with whom we have a rapport would
sometimes make us employ pseudo listening. Appropriate listener response serves as a
means by which feedback is judged. The feedback should be timely and constructive.
In organizations we often encounter people possessing difference styles of management.
Each style has to be dealt with in a way such that the desired response it achieved.
4.1 Result Style – Officers possessing this style are action oriented and make quick
decision with available data. While communicating with such people, use concrete words
as much as possible; be brief, state what you want prescisely, supply necessary
information and wait for an answer.
4.2 Reasons Style – Officers with this style are very logical and rely on rational
decision on making. While communicating with such people, introduce the topic
in a rational manner with all supporting information.
4.3 Process Style – Affiliation orientation forms the basis of this style. Officers with
this style are informal and try to find solution that is agreeable to all parties
concerned. Be as informal as possible, introduce the topic with ample
information regarding the background and motivate for an answer.
4.4 Forms of Communication
Communication in organizations can be broadly classified into formal and informal
communication. Formal communication takes place through the system in organization.
In this, hierarchy has a very important role to play and the parties communicating should
adhere to the procedures in the system. In organizations, formal communication is
effected in upward (subordinate to superior), downward (superior to subordinate) and
horizontal (between same levels) directions.
Informal communication (grapevine) in an organization is very active and powerful.
Nature of communication through this medium is oral and the speed with which the
message is spread through this network is tremendous. As a result, distortion at any stage
cannot be identified. This is probably the reason why grapevine is said to be the medium
for spreading of rumors or false message.
4.5 Making Communication Effective
Use concrete than abstract words wherever possible.
The content has to be made meaningful to the receiver
The message should be framed according to the capability of the receiver.
There should be a proper blend of verbal and non-verbal communication
Eye contact should be maintained
Speak at a moderate rate
Create rapport with the receiver
Select appropriate channel
Encourage listening & feedback
Avoid communicating in extreme emotional states
Make the message
Brief &
Communication involves a number of skills and no one is a complete – effective
communicator. Each individual can become a better communicator by sharpening his
skills through learning and practice
VOX is indebted to
Dr. R Jayasree
Faculty, IMG
for this article.
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